Saturday, May 16, 2009


hp juz delivered me a loan laptop. its a tablet laptop. first time im using a tablet, its not bad though, but running on AMD. hmmmm... true enough, its quite hot. 

why did hp take my laptop back? 
long story. i did a reformat on my laptop yesterday and it took almost 10hrs!! this is the first time i did a reformat tat long. they have sooooo many programs and software to install, and the recovery program is sooooo poorly designed, coz it doesnt tell you at which stage of recovery it is at now, and sometimes it gets stuck in black screen without any you having any idea wat is in the background. And in the first recovery stage, my laptop gets restarted automatically even without clicking or changing any configuration in windows. oh man.. theres a whole lot more to say, but i wud just wanna keep it short. 

this is y in the end, HP took back my laptop for testing and loaned me a tablet. wahahah... this is quite a good laptop. should have bought this in the first place. hahhaa... can flip 180degrees somemore. 

hmmmm.... sudd i dun miss my laptop.

i wonder what am i gonna do for the rest of saturday morning and afternoon..... sian man... 

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